Standing seam metal roofing

Standing seams are created by folding up two adjacent edges back over themselves, creating an appearance of seamlessness. In a standing seam metal roofing system, fasteners are hidden underneath the panels rather than exposed on top so that the fasteners can’t be seen from the surface.

The surface of a standing seam panel does not usually have ridges or bumps, unlike a standing seam roof, and ridges or bumps appear at the seams (or vertical legs). They join each panel with an interlocking seam to create crisp, clean lines. This guide is all about standing seam metal roofing with accurate descriptions.

The life span of standing seam metal roofing

Standing seam metal roofing is a popular choice for commercial and residential properties due to its durability and longevity. The life span of standing seam metal roofing can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the materials used, the installation process, and the environmental conditions in which the roof is located.

A standing seam metal roof can last 50 years or more with proper installation and maintenance. The roof panels are designed to interlock, creating a watertight seal that can withstand high winds, heavy rains, and extreme temperatures. The metal panels are also resistant to fire, insects, and rot.

Additionally, standing seam metal roofing can be coated with various finishes that help protect the metal from rust and corrosion, further extending the life of the roof. These finishes can also help to reflect heat, reducing energy costs and increasing the efficiency of the building. The life-span can be attractive for property owners looking for a long-lasting, low-maintenance roofing solution. While the initial installation cost may be higher than other roofing options, the long-term savings and benefits of the roof’s longevity make it a worthwhile investment.

A standing seam metal roof’s lifespan is how many years you can expect from it. For standing seam roof to last for a long time, you should choose a good paint finish.

Standing seam metal panels are painted with Kynar 500, an application patented by all significant steel panel manufacturers. With this painted finish, your metal panels will be protected from the elements, and the color of your choice will not fade over time.

In addition to the 30-year paint warranty on the Kynar 500 finish, you also get a 30-year roof inspection warranty. There is a 30-year warranty on the paint, but that doesn’t mean it will disappear after that time.

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Providing your standing seam metal roof is properly installed and ventilated, you can expect it to last for at least 30 years. The ideal conditions could extend the lifespan of a standing seam metal roof by 50 years.

Pros of standing seam metal roofing

1.     Low-energy consumption

Most standing seam roofing systems use excellent metal roofing coils that are pigmented with high-reflective pigments and made with emissive metal. Unlike other roofing types, these systems effectively dissipate radiant heat that other roofing types would have retained. Therefore, cool roofing can reduce the work an organization’s cooling systems must do to maintain a comfortable temperature.

2.     Easy to maintain

The humid, subtropical summers of South Florida can damage your roofing. Due to the fasteners used in traditional metal roofs, they are particularly susceptible to weathering. A combination of sun, wind, and rain can cause these fasteners to rust over time. Unlike conventional metal roofs, standing seam metal roofing does not have fasteners. Consequently, there is no need to replace fasteners or maintain them because there is nothing to do.

3.     Duration and Lifecycle

Compared to other types of roofing, such as shingles or tiles, metal has a long lifespan and minimal maintenance requirements. Due to the fact that fasteners do not penetrate the metal’s surface, regular maintenance is less frequent to prevent the fasteners from becoming loose or damaged. Maintaining a standing seam roof is still crucial, but a professional maintenance contractor is likely required to perform the task.

4.     Options for materials

According to some consumers, galvalume or other steel substrates are the only materials for standing seam metal roofs. Several metals can be used for standing seam profiles, including aluminum, zinc, and copper. Materials made of these materials require the use of engineered systems that differ from those used with steel.

Cons of standing seam metal roofing

1.     Repairs or replacements are harder

If a roof is damaged or another issue arises, it can be difficult to replace individual panels or smaller sections since each one must be separated from the others. It can be extremely time-consuming to remove sealant from mechanically seamed panels since each panel needs to be un-sealed separately.

2.     Installation Process Intensive

In order to make a roof look appealing, it is often necessary to spend more time and money on installation. During the installation process, you’ll learn more about this from your professional roofer. It is important to note that a standing seam roof does require some steps in the installation process. The following are examples:

  • Using metal panels to make up the panels on site.
  • The clip should be spaced correctly on the legs of the panel.
  • Ensure that the panels are perfectly aligned.
  • The metal needs to be cut into the required slits.

3.     Cost                                                                                                     

Standing seam metal roofing, particularly when it comes to exposed fastener systems, has the disadvantage of being more expensive than other types of metal roofing. It’s not usually the most expensive material since metal shingles, and other stamped metal materials typically have a higher price tag.

Cost of standing seam metal roofing

The cost of a roof will differ from one roof to another. It’s unlikely that your neighbors’ standing seam metal roof will cost the same as yours.

Because of this, we cannot give you an exact quote without being on your roof. You can, however, get an idea of how much to budget by looking at the numbers below.

There are some imperfections in these numbers. To determine the actual cost of your roof, you’ll need to consider multiple factors, including the type of roof and the contractor you hire.

If you have a simple up-and-over roof without any penetrations and valleys, standing seam steel roofs cost around $12.00 per square foot.

An average one-story house with a moderately complex roof costs around $15.00 per square foot for a 24 gauge steel standing seam metal roof.

Your roof should be inspected if you do not have a professional roofing company. To get an idea of what you need to budget for your roof replacement, multiply the cost numbers above by the square footage of your roof.

In contrast to your house’s floor plan, your roof has a different square footage.


A disguised fastener roofing system with vertical or trapezoidal legs and a flat gap is known as conventional welding metal roofing. Among the strongest and weather-tightest roof systems on the market is this MBCI roofing system.

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